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2025-Evolution of Dance
Rosalie XLIII
Robin Branton
Chris Maxwell
Duke Great Sun & Duchess la Glorieuse
Michael Norris and Mallory Hinson
Duke of Versailles & Duchess Marie Therese
Kevin Samrow and Missi Johnson
Duke Monfort Brown & Duchess Panmure
Joseph Sontoyo and Christina Peoples
Duke Manuel Gayosa de Limos &
Duchess Marguerite Theresa de Limos
Taylor Brantley and Catherine Brown
Duke of Monmouth & Duchess Eliza Lowe Little
Brant Jones and Jennifer Paradise Slover
Duke Jeff Davis & Duchess Varina Howell
Frankie Kicklighter and Marli Vaughan
Past Royalty 1983- current
Lineage of Court Titles
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